Look of the day: Давхарлаад бас дахин давхарла /Pile up the Layers

11:40 PM themorningstar 1 Comments

Гадаа ч хүйтэн байна шүү...

Гэхдээ ид хүйтний үе гэхэд түрүү жилийнхээс арай дулаан өвөл болоод байгаа ч юм шиг. Өвлийн хамгийн сайхан нь шинэ жил, цас, бас олон янзын хувцас давхарлаж сонирхолтой "LOOK" бүрдүүлэх... Ингээд миний загварын блогт тавтай морил!!
So, let's talk about today?!

It's very cold outside here...

However it seems like warmer than the last year. To me, the best thing about winter is "New Year", "Snow", and layering clothes which makes interesting looks......Welcome to my fashion blog!
So, let's talk about today?!
Winter moto jacket, Long knit scarf, Wool cardigan, Denim, Winter Boots

I should've smile here... :P

Wool Cardigan, T-shirt, Denim

My focal point is surely Marilyn Monroe today/my idol btw/

Moto Jacket, from Mango
Loose Cardigan, from Mango
T-shirt, handmade
Knit Scarf, from some Korean store
Denim skinny jeans, from Korean online store
Winter Boots, no brand

1 comment:

  1. Could you please explain that how did you do that shirt for yourself. It looks very adorable and unique. Good luck for your creative work :-)
